The devil uses sin to stop man from staying in God’s presence because of what he knows man would gain from God by staying in His presence. David realized these benefits when he said that God will show him the path of life.
You cannot experience joy when you are being chased about by troubles, pains and sorrows. The way to experience joy over all your problems is to be in God’s presence.
When you do this, you would achieve these physical blessings:
· Insurmountable problems of life become easily a walk over.
· Impossible situations become very possible.
· Easily achieve things which look unachievable before men.
· You experience uncommon and unusual favour before men as the Hebrew boys in Babylon, Joseph in Egypt, and Nehemiah in Shushan.
· God begins to easily use every circumstance, desire and challenges in your life as opportunity to manifest His supreme powers.
That means you become the testimony of God’s powers of deliverance, restoration and promotion just as Abraham, Job, Hannah, Shedrack, Meshack and Abednego, Elizabeth, David, Daniel, Mordecai, and Sarah.
· You automatically become a terror to the devil, demons and evil forces. They are intimidated at your presence.
· Your words become honoured by God because He is always with you just as he did for Gideon, Elijah, Elisha, and Joshua did.
· You become superior and above all other men on earth because you operate at a realm millions of people do not operate on-the realm of all possibilities and powers.
Daniel, Joseph, Abraham, David, Shedrack, Meshack, Abednego, Paul, Peter, Elijah, Elisha were respected by the people of their time even though they were physically equal with all men. The power of God moving in them made them ordinary men with extraordinary powers.
Do you want to get all these benefits, then initiate a walk with God today because whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him (1 John 5:18).
You may have a story of misery, fear, anxiety, hopelessness and helplessness just as I had at a point in my life. It may be that nothing works again in your life. Perhaps, it is sickness, business failure, marital trouble, childlessness, life threatened by satanic powers, and curses.
You may have done everything and anything possible to be free without success. You have relocated to another city or state because you think your problem is location yet the devil is after you. It may be protracted illness. You are being moved from one hospital to the other.
Despite what the challenge is, God is saying to you now that no water can swallow the ship where the Master of ocean, seas, and skies lies. They all [your problems and needs] shall sweetly obey God’s command and Will concerning you and you shall have great peace.
God is on the ship of your life now and the tempest must obey and peace restored in the voyage of your life. If you are ready to pick a covenant time with God and walk daily in holiness and readiness to do God’s will, then you have paid the price.
Don’t present your problems, present yourself
Another thing I was taught during my covenant time with God is that it is a time for self-searching and not problem presentation.
When you start to stay in God’s presence daily at your appointed time, you will be tempted to focus on your problems rather than developing a personal relationship with God.
You see, Christians spend so much time in God’s presence asking, seeking and knocking. All these efforts are made just to receive from God.
It is all about asking for material blessings. God, give me wife. God, give me car. God, prosper my business. God, I need an accommodation.
God, I want to get an offer of admission into school. God, give me this and God, I also need that. We spend time to hear from God only at worship sessions on Sundays and midweek fellowships. These times are not enough. God is the God of face-me-I-face-you.
Whenever we kneel before God, it is an asking galore. God did not make it this way. The disciples had time they spent alone with Jesus. It was not time for asking for favours, healing, fasting or prayers. It was time for interpersonal relationship. A time to know who Jesus is by interacting with Him. They needed to be sure that they were with the right Messiah even when the Jews were in confusion about the identity of Jesus as the Son of God.
Imagine if you are a parent and all your kid does when he comes to you is to ask for this or that all the time. He does not care to take instructions from you. You cannot chat with him at home. He does not even know your person well despite all efforts to draw him close. He has time for you only at public functions-vacations, ceremonies, picnics, etc. He is much interested and committed in running after other issues affecting his life than to have a talk with you unless he has a need to fill.
How would you feel about this type of relationship with your own child? Will you be disturbed, feel despised, neglected, or fulfilled and happy? What do you then think God thinks about such relationships we keep with Him? How do you think God feels at such times when we only come to Him when we have a need to fill?
Even when we come for prayers before God, we are in a hurry to start pouring our problems into the bowls of God for solution and we desire instant response. We lack the patience to discover God’s will for every aspect and stage of our lives and problems. We can’t even spend little time to adore God with praises before making our request known unto Him. We hurriedly ask for forgiveness of our sins and rarely ask for others need. This is what happens often among Christians.
The principle of setting up a covenant time with God is to attract God’s presence into your life. It is just as if you want to woo God to your life. Your focus must be to discover God’s word, derive His power and authority while developing a personal conversational relationship with Him. These are things that must occupy your heart not your problems.
You don’t dictate to God how He would deliver you from your problems. Your work is to seek His presence and watch what happens in your life. Do not be like Naaman who was in a hurry to dictate how God would heal him and the river to use.
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